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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  September 22, 2011 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the gunman was shot and killed. and a day after u.s. inspector general reported that the justice department served $16 muffins at a 2009 conference, a response from the white house, the obama administration has ordered the heads of federal agencies to review their spending on conferences. more news coming up. that was his choice. to shoot people that night. which was one of them was my son and then the other one. i don't think we're wrong at just executed for killing her son. we begin with this breaking news coming out of the u.s. state of georgia. welcome to world report on cnn. i'm anna coren. we welcome our international viewers and viewers in the united states. a man who beat death three times over the past 20 years lost his final appeal.
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he was executed just under an hour ago in the u.s. state of georgia. troy davis was convicted in 1991 of the killing of an off duty police officer. the supreme court rejected his last ditch appeal, the state went ahead with this controversial execution. he was declared dead at 11:08 p.m. local time, less than an hour ago. witnesses to the execution spoke shortly after. davis did not have a last meal or take a sedative. he made a final statement declaring his innocence and in 15 minutes it was all over. >> he said the incident that night was not my fault, i did not have a gun. and that's when he told his friends to continue to fight and look deeper into this case so you can really find the truth. for those about to take my life, may god have mercy on your souls, may god bless your souls. and to the macphail family he
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said, i did not personally kill your son, father or brother, i am innocent. >> that was one of the journalists who witnessed the execution execution. the mother of the dead police officer is speaking out. she made this statement shortly after davis was killed. >> it sounds awful, but it's relief that it's over for me. i have to digest all the things that happened. it was very, very hard on me. i have to work through this in my mind and be alone and realize everything that happened and how it ended. that will probably take a day or two for me to get that organized in my mind. >> has justice been served? >> in my mind, yes.
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it took a long time to get there, but yes. >> cnn's david mattingly was at the prison in the state of georgia, where davis was given a lethal injection, he joins us now by phone. this has been a long and difficult night for so many people. >> hundreds of people were here. demonstrators on behalf of troy davis. by the end of the evening they were weary both emotionally and physically. this was a very long night for them. they had such high hopes early on in the week. it wasn't until the georgia board of pardons and paroles declined their request to end this execution that they thought at that time they thought maybe they had a chance.
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since then they've been fighting a last minute legal battle until the late hours of the night tonight that finally, the last hope went away for everyone. there were a great many prayers, songs and when the evening was over, when the execution was done the hundreds of people who were here left quietly and went back home. but not before we heard from attorneys and people who had been here in support of troy davis, saying that he will not be forgotten. and the fact that they believe an innocent man was put to death tonight. they are not done in trying to stop the death penalty in the state of georgia. >> there was always that element of hope, wasn't there, after that last ditch plea to the supreme court. and it did take them four hours before they rejected that plea. tell us about the hope. those four hours waiting outside
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the state prison in the state of georgia. >> that was so unusual for the u.s. supreme court. typically they act very fast in situations like this, they knew that this 11th hour appeal was going to be coming, and typically, they act -- make an opinion fairly quickly. but tonight even though they had a unanimous opinion in denying the stay of execution, it seemed to take them hours. we don't know why. and as they took their time, everyone here continued to wait. the hopes were really buoyed by the fact that there was a delay. the state of georgia did not go through with the execution waiting to see what the supreme court was going to do. and that gave everyone a brief period of hope. but as the time went by, again, everyone started to realize that perhaps it wasn't going to go their way, and when the decision came down for the supreme court,
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it was fairly quickly after that, that the execution was carried out. and the man, troy davis. that so many have worked so hard to keep alive was dead. >> the execution was carried out. troy davis was pronounced dead at 11:08 p.m. local time. less than an hour ago. have we heard from troy davis' family? >> we have not heard from his family this evening. we did hear from reporters who were inside the viewing room as the execution took place. they were talking about how troy davis spoke rather loudly and quickly, when he was offered the opportunity to make a statement. he spoke directly to the family of the slain police officer. the man he was convicted to death for killing. he looked directly at them and told them he was not responsible for that death. and that he was an innocent man. a powerful moment, and yet the observers there say that the
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macphail family, when it was over seemed to find some relief and some peace in his execution. there were no statements from either of the families when it was over. and now, again, so many of davis' support hes that were here left quietly as well. you can bet they will not forget about what happened tonight. they will not forget all of the work they put into this campaign to keep him alive. i'm sure that we have not heard the last utterance of the name of troy davis when it comes to the death penalty in the state of georgia. >> outside the state prison in jackson, georgia. many thanks for that update. for a look at the case from a legal perspective, let's turn to cnn senior legal analyst, jeffrey tubin this washington. i guess a lot of people can't get anywhere head around the element of doubt.
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the seven of the nine eyewitness changed or recanted their testimony. tell us about that. tell us about that element of doubt, and how an execution can still take place when that exists? >> this is why this case drew so much attention in the united states and around the world. it's because the question of doubt, of whether in fact troy davis committed this murder in 1989, that was at the heart of the outrage over this case. it's important to emphasize that many, many judges have reviewed this case. including at least one judge who looked at the so-called recan recantations of the seven and nine witnesses. the recantations are either irrelevant or not believable.
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many judges over 20 years have looked at this case, and all of them have decided ultimately, including all nine supreme court justices today, have decided to allow this case to proceed. >> jeffrey, there was such overwhelming opposition to the execution of troy davis. do you think that the tide is turning toward the death penalty in the united states? >> well, those are two separate issues, i wouldn't characterize overwhelming opposition. there were certain civil rights and human rights groups led by amnesty international, who mobilized a lot of people to sign petitions. this was not a major national issue in the united states. there was not widespread outrage outside of a core group. but it is also true that support for the death penalty in the united states has dropped in the last 15 years as crime has dropped in the united states.
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and the number of death sentences and the number of executions in the united states has basically been cut in half over the last 15 years, so there is some change at work. i don't know how much troy davis has to do with that. >> senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, as always we do appreciate your perspective on such an important issue as this. we now want to take a moment to say good-bye to our viewers in the united states, who are now joining piers morganton the. his show began just a few minutes ago. palestinian president mahmoud abbas. president obama had meetings with abbas and netanyahu. who close are the sides to doing a deal? a representative to the united states is here. thank you for joining me. >> thank you.
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>> a lot going on. the president met with both sides today. what is your understanding of how the meeting went with mahmoud abbas and the president? >> the president abbas met with president obama this evening and they exchanged views about the palestinian decision to go to the united nations to seek full membership at the international organization. it was actually a repeat of the u.s. previous positions which are very well known to the palestinian side. the president reiterated the support of the united states for palestinian state for the two state solution. and he expressed the u.s. opposition to the palestinian seeking full membership at the united nations. the u.s. believes it has to be the outcome of bilateral negotiations. at the same time president abbas explained to books. that the palestinian decision was made and that they are determined to go to the u.n. to
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seek a full membership. >> this is a political move, isn't it? because you know there's no chance of actually winning full membership. you know the americans are going to have to use the veto. so what is the real game that's being played here? what do you really hope to achieve this week if you can? >> actually what we are trying to achieve, we're trying to send a clear message to the international committee that the status quo on the ground cannot continue. israel is in a situation where they don't have to pay for the consequences of their occupation of the palestinian people and land. and therefore we have to change the dynamics. we are trying to evaluate the status of the palestinians to that of an entity to a state. which will enable the palestinians to be able to talk to the israelis at more equal footing. and the palestinian state will
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be an occupied area. there is a disparity that israel exploited in the last years of negotiations to its own advantage. >> i've heard the arguments on both sides. i've interviewed benjamin netanyahu. they say the security of israel is paramount to them. they said many people have been slaughtered. i have sympathy on both sides. what i feel like most people is right now with all this going on in the middle east, with all the uprisings, the arab spring, it really seems like there's never been a more important time than right now for this deal to be done. and i sensed that they feel, the israelis, that abbas is somebody they could do business with. i felt they could do business. but they were concerned about hamas there.
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they've said they don't even want abbas coming to the u.n. they are opposed to this. how can you deliver a peace process if you don't have hamas with you? >> i think this is an issue that has been brought over and over again by israel unfortunately to be used as a pretext not to move forward. the palestinian leadership president abbas has repeated to appeal everywhere inside the territories is responsible for conducting negotiations. and once we can conclude an agreement, it will go to the people for referendum. the issue is not hamas. it is israel refusing negotiations to end the conflict and to resolve all outstanding issues. ever since netanyahu took office two and a half years ago, he
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completely shunned all efforts by the united states, by the international committee, by the palestinians to sit down and discuss issues starting with security on borders in order to move the process forward. >> do you believe finally that a deal is achievable now? do you sense there is enough international will led by barack obama to get this done? >> well, i think if you are talking about from now until friday that the palestinian decision is clear. we are determined to seek full membership at the united nations. >> i'm more talking about could you get a peace deal done by christmas? could you do that? >> well, we have indicated that the day after we become a member of the united nations, we will engage in order to resolve all the outstanding issues. the idea of abandoning negotiations because of going to the united nations is totally a myth and the palestinian leadership has stressed that it will engage the israelis in meaningful negotiations after we
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become a full state. >> thank you very much. how the meeting went with mahmoud abbas and the president? resuming direct negotiations. president obama very clearly stated that today in the united nations that no amount of declarations or resolutions is going to be a substitute for direct negotiations and we hope we can resume those, because it's up to both sides to hammer out a peace deal. >> can you blame the palestinians for trying to do what they're doing? >> i think the problem, they aren't willing to make the necessary painful concessions that are entailed in working out a peace agreement with israel. they find the easier venue going
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through the international arena. >> it may not be an easier venue. but just in principle, why would it be so reprehensible for the palestinians to seek some kind of u.n. recognition? what is wrong with that in principle? >> there's nothing wrong with that in principle, it's just you're putting the cart before the horses. we expect that to be a result of direct negotiations, israel will be the first to recognize a palestinian state. we've recognized two states for two people. that has to be negotiated directly face to face, instead of seeking a seat at the united nations, they should come and sit at the seats of the negotiating table. >> how big a problem is hamas in all this? clearly, the current leaders of the palestinians, mahmoud abbas is a reasonable guy in comparison to someone like arafat. the problem may be, that he doesn't have all the palestinians with him.
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hamas made it pretty clear, they didn't even want him trying to go to the u.n. so how big a deal is that for the israeli side when you watch them being sightly sprintered over this. >> that's another point emphasizing how premature this move is. because president abbas doesn't have control over all his people. if they do receive recognition at the united nations, what does that mean about hamas? there is an agreement between the fatta and hamas at the moment, that would be a quasi recognition by the union. you're making a strong point here against that, and the fact that many in the palestinian and arab camp think this move will not serve the cause of pace and raise unnecessary expectations in the region which will not lead at the end to negotiations with israel. >> what's going on this week seems political. they know they're not going to win joining the u.n.
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everyone knows that, what they want is a slight upgrade on their current status. clearly it was all designed it seems to me to pile pressure on to israel to come back and properly negotiate. when i interviewed benning anyone netanyahu earlier this year, i got a sense because of the arab spring uprisings, he felt the hand of history firmly entrenched on his shoulder to try to get this deal done. is that right? do you feel that it would be now inconceivable for there not to be a peace plan done and dusted by say this time next year? >> i think that's definitely a reasonable prediction to be made. i think the israeli people expect the prime minister to do as much as he can, and really sit down with president abbas and really hammer things out. our sense is that unfortunately, they find it easier and more convenient to go and get an
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automatic majority in the united nations instead of really sitting down and really having to discuss all the issues. there's some very painful decisions and concessions to be made both by israel and the palestinians. i think the prime minister is definitely intent and serious, he's called on abbas to meet him here in new york. bank and east jerusalem has, we want negotiations -- we say, let's negotiate without any preconditions. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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call this toll-free number now. our morbidly obese federal government needs not just a behavior modification, but bariatric surgery. >> that was indiana governor mitch daniels at this action conference. he's a man of strong views on the american economy. he joins me now. thank you for joining me. keeping the republic, saving america by trusting americans. america's best governor it says
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in the new york times. so, come on, how are you going to do that? >> i don't know what made him say that. >> how are you going to keep the republic? >> i hope we're going to do it by first of all placing the future ahead of the present which is to say matching long-term means with ends. we're badly out of whack as we all know. we have huge debts today, like so many other developed countries. and worse still we've made unfundable commitments for tomorrow. the growth of the private sector. what's troubling me most, piers, is that it's not just our economy at stake. i think it's the whole american prospect, the american promise of upward mobility for all. and i go so far as to suggest really the whole project of govern by the consent of the governed is on trial here, as philosophers predicted through time it would be.
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>> you're the knife and the blade when you worked for president bush. but this is a guy that brought in the bush tax cuts. and that has been partly responsible along with going into wars in iraq and afghanistan for the financial mess the country's got itself into. so far from being the one that keeps the republic, you're the one that stuck the republic in the meyer. how do you explain that? >> i think it's a little overstated. maybe it's testimony those years to my poor powers of persuasion. i was always arguing with the republican congress. it wasn't the democratic party in charge in those days. i gave speeches at the national press club and other places and pointed out they didn't pass conflicts. harry truman at the time of korea is a great example, had really reduced spending temporarily on other things. that's what you do if you take on new obligations or wars.
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didn't get very far with that. we did have guns and that was part of it. >> didn't you say today, it's only a tiny part of it and shouldn't really be considered. it's a trillion dollars. that's not a tiny part of the budget, is it? a trillion dollars on wars? >> it doesn't sound as big as it used to now that we're running $1.4 trillion every year. i mean, the biggest deficit under george bush is one third the size of the ones we're running today. you know, i'm not here to argue or defend anything that happened back then. if you want to know how i feel about spending you may look at the seven years i've been in charge of something. >> your approval rating in indiana is very good. you've been re-elected there, it's coming to an end in 2012. it's very good in many, many areas. no question. what i'm going to put to you. even someone like you who's got a great fiscal record in your state, you still struggle with unemployment. it's up to 8.2%.
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but it's rising. and you're clearly despite having all the answers having similar problems to the president. >> first let me say i try to be very explicit in this book i don't claim to have all of the answers. i take the responsibility for offering what i think are the best answers. but i say many times that this situation i believe is so urgent that no one can afford to be totally doctrinaire. if it comes to the second or third actions as opposed to inaction and the disaster that would bring, then you could count me in for one. >> how much of president obama's problem is down to the republican eight years running the white house? in other words, the financial crisis, the wars in iraq and afghanistan, tax cuts and so on. how much of what he inherited percentagewise is to blame for the current malaise? >> some percentage, the biggest problems by far --
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>> where would you put it? >> statistically if you were to repeal the tax cuts you'd solve less than 10% of the problem we have today. >> you wouldn't honestly look at me and say only 10% of the financial problems america has today are down to the republicans would you? >> well, that's a different question. because, listen. the problems that we're really facing, the ones that are -- i think ought to absorb our attention are far bigger than any one year's deficit. the previous ones even the enormous ones, the unprecedented ones are running right this minute. the unfunded liabilities we have stacked up for ourselves compounded by debts at the state and local level. not to mention private debt is an enormous overhang on the american future. and a major theme of what i've tried to say in this book is that whatever got us into this, to debate it endlessly now is a waste of precious time.
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i believe a clock is ticking. and that the need for big change is urgent. we need to reform the safety net programs. not for those in them now, but for the future. we need a pro growth tax plan. a tax reform. we ought to be wholeheartedly supportive of domestic energy production in every form, absolutely every form. >> one of the main themes of the book is civilized. you're not ripping into opponents. >> i try not too. >> here's a problem with some of what's going on with the republicans, and what many americans feel. is up in washington they made it absolutely clear some of them on the record we want barack obama to be a one-term president. and they're doing everything they can to do him in. and they're causing huge riles over the debt ceiling when there shouldn't have been any and everyone knew that. there's a disconnect between
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what's going on there and what the public wants. solve the mess together. you seem much more unifying in your tone in this book than many of your colleagues in the party. what is your message to them as they continue to tear into obama and make it all very partisan? >> yes, well, i have found in -- we have found in our state and i had to learn this the hard way honestly. if you're interested in results, then you must always strive to bring people together. big change requires big majorities. and we need big change to avoid becoming the greece of the future. >> barack obama has tried to do that. that's exactly what he said when he came in. he wanted to be inclusive. >> he has said it -- >> he wanted to work with the opposition. when he tried the republicans have stamped on his head. >> piers, you joined us fairly recently. maybe you missed a few twists and turns in the road.
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he ran over -- with the help of majority. he had his way completely for two years, ignored reservations that republicans had. and my gosh the -- what a devicive speech he gave this week. >> you can't blame him. can you? >> let me just say -- >> having been trashed all summer, he finally come out and said if this is the way you're going to play it, i'm going to get dirty too. >> he gives as good as he gets. i mention in the book, he's a self-evolved acolyte who started his advice to radicals with personalized and condemn your opposition. >> hold that thought for a moment. when we come back, i want to continue this and hear how you're going to beat obama in the next election. maybe not you personally or maybe it will be you personally, who knows.
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indiana governor mitch daniels here with me. governor, got to ask you about this whole issue of executions. in your time in indiana you've executed nine men. obviously it's always a hard thing to do. you've had appeals that you've rejected. as you see what's going on today in various parts of america, what is your view of execution generally? if you had your way, would you dispense with them? do you believe it's becoming increasingly unpopular now? there's far less of them now than there used to be.
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there's less murders in america. >> piers, it's the one thing i was least prepared for in taking on this assignment. the first such decision came -- the first two or three game very quickly. i don't understand anybody who says they don't have at least some ambivalence about this subject. really on either side. in our case i'll tell you how we've resolved it. after an awful lot of thought and reflection and counselling with other people, the people of our state have said very emphatically that they believe at least in the most extreme cases this penalty is appropriate. i've decided it was not for me to substitute my own individual -- any individual judgment i might have for theirs. but we are very careful about it. i read the files twice myself. our rule is there can't be a bit of doubt about guilt. and secondly there must be a heinous -- the most heinous kind of offense involved.
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>> do you personally believe in the death penalty? >> i believe there are circumstances in which it is warranted. i've now had to confront some of those. i've commuted a sentence and approach each one really from the standpoint that i very well might. i will tell you, that at least in our state, this is a diminishing issue, because i don't know that any jury has imposed this sentence on any defendant now for quite some time. i may have missed some. >> that's beginning to spread around america. my sense is it's going out of fashion. that more and more americans are saying do we actually need to do this? if there can ever be doubt, why have it? >> certainly what juries appear to be doing. again, i will say that the people of our state -- i can't speak for others -- have expressed in clear terms their belief that it ought at least be an option for the worst of the
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worst of the worst such offenses. but i freely admit that the loneliest nights i've spent as governor are those in which we impose this sentence and we wait until the very last minute to make certain there's not a good reason not to. >> let's move on to the presidency, the campaign next year. you ruled yourself out when many wanted you to rule yourself in. and you kind of cited family reasons. you know, happy marriage. i will come to that in a minute. curious setup, your marriage over the years. and now you're sort of flirting now with the vice presidency option. because your governance ends just in time for you to be the vp if the republicans get it. any truth to this? >> i'm not flirting with anything. people keep bringing it up. i think it's the silliest question in our politics. >> so zero intention of being vice president? >> yeah i have zero intention.
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and zero expectation. and it's all in someone else's hands. >> could it ever change? if somebody asked you to be, would you say no? >> that's something a person ought not say. it's so hypothetical or improbable that i don't spend one -- i promise you i don't spend one -- >> if i was someone like mitt romney or jon huntsman or rick perry or whoever it is and you get the ticket, who would be better than mitch daniels with your record? >> off the air i'll give you a long list. >> would you say no if they asked you? >> i can't tell you the answer to that. we probably have to have another conversation in the family. and i don't know what they'd say. >> as a politician you know that's basically a yes. >> you're too cynical. we americans are -- >> i'm positive here. tell me about your marriage. do you ever think that might be a problem for you politically or is it an asset? you split up from your wife, get divorced, then get back together and get remarried. it's an unusual state of affairs.
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>> if you like happy endings you'll love our story. i have no idea. i have never presumed to tell a voter what's important and what isn't. everybody's entitled to decide for themselves. but i -- you know, i think i'm the most fortunate person you'll interview this year in terms of both the family i have and the good things that have come along in life. i don't spend a minute worrying about it. >> i'm glad it ended happily for you, governor, i really am. thank you for joining me. >> i enjoyed it. when we come back, two presidents and a top fashion designer on how they're helping save a devastated country. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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haiti is still dealing with the effects of the earthquake. help is coming in from around the world, including from my next guest. joining me now is president of rwanda, president of haiti, the u.n. specialist to haiti. and donna karan the fashion designer and founder of the urban zen foundation. rwanda went through a devastating situation. but you've managed to rebuild rwanda in an extraordinary way with the help of the international community.
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when you see what's happening in haiti and the problems they've had obviously caused by a very different natural disaster in their case, what advice would you give them about how you rebuild a country that's been through devastation? >> one of the first advice i would give the people of haiti and leadership in haiti is not to despair and fear. not to feel they can't overcome the kinds of problems they're facing. however insurmountable it may seem with the leadership and the people if they pull together and organize their resources and their will that is there to help globally and get organized and target the kind of assistance in specific areas, then they can pull through like rwanda has done in the last 17 years.
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>> how important was the direct help from the united nations? >> that is helpful at the beginning mainly when the kind of situation of emergence where all kinds of help is needed. the most important thing is to have national ownership and make sure there's coordination of the kinds of very well intended efforts to try and help. if not coordinated you may have a lot of help coming in but it will not result to intangible. >> let me ask you when this disaster happened and the earthquake struck, you had the world's attention for a period of time. as with all these things, the world moves on. and you're left in haiti to continue the reconstruction process. and the rebuilding of a shattered country.
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how are you getting on at the moment? and how much more should the international community now be doing that perhaps they stopped doing? >> first of all i must tell you we were really caught by surprise for not having the culture of dealing with earthquake first and secondly waiting for the earthquake we had no infrastructure. so after the earthquake we were really lost. and then the world moved in. and a lot of money have been spent at the time. unfortunately today when we look back, we can't -- we can barely see what's been done with the money. >> how much of that has been either wasted or, you know, lost through corruption or all the things that tend to happen in such a situation? >> well, that's exactly the point. today you can't say, because they put the emergency in front and saying was about saving lives.
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so you can't really tell what money was properly used. some people used the earthquake to make their money. >> i see you nodding there. you've been an expert in these areas. you described it as a disaster that hit a fragile country. what is the imperative now from what you've seen? >> if i could mention the imperative what's always right in front of you. i'm a physician so for me that would be a patient who's injured and having been there after the earthquake, i understand that imperative better than any other. at the same time what the people of haiti are facing now is not just relief but reconstruction. and the imperatives are getting kids back in school, building infrastructure as the president said, and coordinating the good will that i think there is a lot of good will turned towards haiti.
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but if it's not coordinated as the president said, it ends up complicating matters. one thing we can know, and president martelly knows this, of the generous donations pledged to haiti for acute relief that is saving lives, less than 1% of that money went to the haitian government and the public sector and so, you know, you really -- you can't rebuild municipal water systems with ngos, as well-intentioned as they might be. certainly, the one i volunteer for, partisan health is very well-intentioned in haiti and rwanda, but we cannot replace the government so we are trying to -- >> bring in donna here, you have this organization, urban zen, worked with the global initiative to build homes in haiti. >> the model for the developing countries is their soul and their spirit. you can look at this as negative or positive. i think the people were quite shocked when i went down originally. i came out with a very simple way of doing it, and then i saw
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every person there is an artist. so what i was able to do is work with the artisans to work with the artisans, everything i'm wearing here are made in haiti. >> really? >> these are horn bracelets. this story is spectacular a woman to went down. to adopt two children what did she do, she adopted a village by recycling paper and making these beads. then i have come in and work with her in coloration. you know, recently, developing papier mache bags, you know, having the opportunity to work with this type of creativity, i really believe it's the model. >> how are they responding to this kind of thing? >> you know, it's not as easy as i thought, but i do know that there is an answer here. i was so excited i put it on the runway at the donna karan show. unless we put philanthropy and commerce together.
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>> which is what president kagame was saying, this u.n. and community are only going so far but in the end, you need of the people of rawanda, of haiti being inspired and helped and encouraged to rebuild from within. you are the man in charge of the government there, you have heard what the man from rwanda says, he has been through all this. what do you think? >> first of all, it is a model that we are following very closely. first of all, we need to identify what we want to do. for instance, let's say we are going to work with coffee, we work with coffee and make the best out of it. to the time when we can export coffee. in past years, we paid dividends with coffee. >> i'm going to go and start drinking haitian coffee. thank you both very much, mr. president, mr. president, dr. farmer, donna karan. it's been very interesting. and i hope the people have watched this and react accordingly.
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tomorrow, i will talk with a woman who place one of the strongest women on television, emmy winner, julianna margulies and the cast of "the good wife" and on friday, morgan freeman. hear what he told me about the gop and president obama. >> mitch mcconnell -- that's stated policy. publicly stated is to do whatever it takes to see to it that obama only serves one term. what's -- what does that -- what underlines that?
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screw the country. we are going to do whatever we do to get this black man, we can do whatever we can to get this black man out of here. >> but is that necessarily a racist thing? >> it is a racist thing. >> morgan freeman very controversial on friday night. there's a lot more of that let me tell you. ♪ priceis it true thata-tor. name your own price.... >> even easier? affirmative. we'll show you other people's winning hotel bids. >>so i'll know how much to bid... ...and save up to 60% >>i'm in i know see winning hotel bids now at priceline. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec®, i can love the air®. ♪ ♪ co-signed her credit card -- "buy books, not beer!" ♪ are back on the road again. but the second that she shut the door ♪ ♪ girl started blowing up their credit score ♪
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